SDSS Cutout Web Service
This is a simple HTML form to present the parameters to the SDSS Cutout Web
Service .
The web service definition is at
Cutout (ra, dec, zoom, height, width, label, grid, photoObj,
returns a (height x
width) JPEG image centered on (ra,dec)
where each image pixel
corresponds to (2^zoom x 2^zoom) SDSS image pixels.
There are approximately 151.4666 SDSS image pixels per arcmimnute.
The parameters are:
ra: center point right
in J2000 degrees.
dec: center point declination in J2000 degrees
zoom : the power of 2 that the image shrinks (a
number in the range of 0...5):
0: is 1 base pixel for 1 image pixel
5: is 32x32 base pixel for 1 image
height : in pixels
is range limited to [10...2000] and moved to fit into this range.
width : in pixels
is range limited to [10...2000] and moved to fit into this range (e.g. 20,000
is 2,000).
grid: boolean requests a N-S E-W grid drawn
through the centerpoint.
label: boolean requests the name, scale, ra, and
dec be written on image.
photoObjs: boolean requests a small cricle
around each primary photoObj in the image.
specObjs: boolean requests a small square around
each specObj in the image.
authors: Jim Gray & Alex Szalay, March 2002